Attic Basement & ABDigital on Etsy

Attic Basement & ABDigital on Etsy

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Handmade Christmas

Yes, I am still here. Not giving up on the blogging yet. This one will be short and sweet, too.

Listing for Christmas is slowly, but surely, getting me in the mood. It is definitely bringing out the nostalgic side of me.
I remember growing up how our Christmas tree was decorated with handmade ornaments. Some us kids had made at school. Many ceramic ornaments that Mom had encouraged us to paint ourselves. I still have a few, but I wish I them all! There is nothing as unique and special as a tree decorated with handmade ornaments.

Making, or giving, gifts made by hand is a wonderful way to give at Christmas. Handmade gifts are, generally, more personal and thoughtful than store bought gifts and gift cards.

I know many of my fellow sellers make handmade gifts to sell and give, so I am offering these FREE printable "Handmade by" gift tags especially for you.

Feel free to download, print, and share as you wish.
I would appreciate a visit to either of my shops: ABDigital or Attic Basement Vintage
and comments and follows here, but I won't beg.

The tags measure 3" x 1-1/2" each. The file prints as 12 tags on one sheet and fits on standard size paper, heavier paper stock would be best, of course. Just cut, and tape or punch a hole to make a hangtag. I plan share some more soon.

And here are a couple handmade vintage Christmas items from my shop:


  1. Wow, Jennifer, these tags are awesome, thank you! Sharing on my fb biz page - and following your blog now :)
